Take part in cupping of Willow-herbs

March,1-2, 2016 will be held cuppings of Willows-herbs under RUCTIE.

Willow-herb drinks are gradually gaining relevance in the Russian market. However, the full potential of this plant isn't unleashed. On RUCTIE you can taste and assess Wllow-herbs provided by different companies and form an opinion about this product. Cuppings of Williw-herbs could be interesting not only for professionals, but also for those who wish to expand their outlook in tea. Moderator: Andrei Nikitin, a tea expert, head of Brothers Cha Zhai. Companies wishing to participate in the cuppings can provide organizers with samples of their products. The requirements for minimum quantity of samples - 200 grams Product Description, Description of the optimal brewing technology for product Delivery must be made no later than February 26. Delivery is carried out by means of participating companies. For participation, please contact us: ya [at] coffeetea.ru


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